
The mission of the faculty is the all-round teaching and education of future doctors and health professionals for the health care sector, their further specialization, research and development of foreign cooperation.

Teaching Science and research Foreign cooperation

In order to ensure the best possible quality of teaching and scientific and research activities, and at the same time to link theory with practice, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hradec Králové is striving to create a modern facility in the form of a joint CU Campus in Hradec Králové together with the Faculty of Pharmacy of Charles University.


LF HK is a modern educational institution that has more than 1900 students in bachelor, master and doctoral degree programmes. It provides opportunities for young doctors to specialise in medical disciplines and for the public to undertake educational programmes within the framework of Lifelong Learning.

Teaching at the faculty is provided by renowned teachers - experts in their respective fields and knowledgeable scientists.

Master's and Bachelor's studies

The Faculty offers a six-year Master's degree programme in General Medicine, a five-year Master's degree programme in Dentistry and a Bachelor's degree programme in General Nursing.

International students have the opportunity to study the Master's degree programme in General Medicine in English.

Students are taught in theoretical, preclinical, clinical and preventive disciplines. The theoretical departments give students the basic knowledge necessary for a proper understanding of morphological, functional and pathological processes in the body. The departments, clinics and divisions of the University Hospital mainly introduce students to the basic methods of investigation, laboratory methods, differential diagnosis and principles of treatment. Great emphasis is placed on practical teaching.

Doctoral studies

Graduates of the Master's degree in General medicine or Dentistry related natural sciences can continue their postgraduate education in doctoral programmes, both in Czech and English, in full-time and combined form. Doctoral studies are offered in 22 accredited study programmes.

Specialisation training

The Faculty of Medicine provides young doctors with the opportunity to specialize in medical fields, organizes attestation examinations in 48 basic fields (except General Practical Medicine) and examinations after completing 18 basic strains. Part of the faculties' activities is the organisation of all basic courses that doctors are obliged to take before the examinations.

Pedagogical expertise

The number of associate professors and professors is an important factor in assessing the prestige of a school and in the (re)accreditation of study programmes. The habilitation procedure (procedure for the award of the title of associate professor) and the procedure for the appointment of professor are processes for obtaining the scientific and pedagogical rank of university teacher. The Habilitation and Appointment Procedures are given great attention by the Faculty of Medicine.

Lifelong education

The faculty organizes regular Teaching Skills Seminars and other training courses for its doctor-teachers. It offers preparatory courses for the public to study master's programmes, Medikamp for secondary school students and the University of the Third Age in the form of the Healthy Ageing programme.

Science and Research

The scientific research activities of the individual departments of the Faculty of Medicine include all clinical and biomedical disciplines.


All grants solved at the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Hradec Králové are published under the grant agencies under which they are solved.

Scientific meetings

Since 1996, the Faculty has been organising, in cooperation with the Hradec Králové University Hospital, the Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Medicine and the Hradec Králové University Hospital, at which the results of grants and research projects are presented, where both organisations are the main recipients of funding. The conference includes oral presentations by researchers who completed their research tasks in the previous calendar year.

The research activities of students of Bachelor, Master and Doctoral studies are presented at student conferences organized by the Faculty - SVOČ and International medical doctoral conference.

Scientific meetings, congresses and symposia are also organised by individual departments of the Faculty of Medicine.

Foreign cooperation

Charles University considers inter-university cooperation and mobility as an important prerequisite for improving the quality of activities in the field of science, research and teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate students. Contacts with foreign partners are based on a global network of partnerships that enable the University to optimally acquire information and experience, as well as exchange students and scientific and teaching staff. The official agreements of the CU are subsequently concretized by the actions of the faculty.

The CU places increased emphasis on the use of European Union programmes. In the framework of the internationalisation of education, it applies, together with other EU Member States, the conclusions of the Bologna Declaration.

Exchange study stays of one to two semesters are organised for students, mainly under the ERASMUS programme. Exchanges of scientific and teaching staff are oriented towards the creation of joint scientific projects.

Our faculty is involved in this process and also takes its own initiatives in creating opportunities.

Last change: August 19, 2024 13:45 

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111


Univerzita Karlova