
Please, pay attention to your password due to its limited validity. Without the password you will not be able to access the university network, e-mail box and you will not even be able to register for your exams in SIS.

If you forget your password and you do not have the ISIC card, you must go directly to IT Department (Faculty building, 2nd floor, Department of Medical Biophysics, first office on the right side - the network administrators).Password setting

The password is always valid only for 1 year from the date of the change, then expires (access to the network stops working). It is needed to update the password prior to its expiration (check the guide below) through the university system of  password administration, which is called the Central Authentication Service, the so called CAS application.

You will be informed several times in advance about the expiring password by email!Expiration date

Information about the expiry date of your password is visible in CAS application as well.

Rules for password setting

There are special requirements to be respected in order to create a strong password:

  • Password is not based on the user name.

  • Password contains at least six characters.

  • The password consists of at least three of the following four categories:

    • Upper case letters (A-Z)

    • Lower case letters (a-z)

    • Digits (0-9)

    • Special characters (e.g.! $ #,%, _, @)

Common mistakes when entering a password

  • UPPER / lower case letters

  • Y/Z – English keyboard when logging

  • 0/O – zero / upper case letter "O"


Last change: June 18, 2024 11:12 
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Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111
