Student associations

Student associations at the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové organize many educational, social, cultural, study and sports activities throughout the year for their members and students or employees of the Faculty of Medicine, as well as for students of other faculties in Hradec Králové or for the general public. They publish invitations to their events on their website, on the faculty website and also on social media.

International Student Union LF HK

The International Student Union (ISU) is the official body of international students of the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové. It fosters a spirit of unity, mutual understanding and cultural exchange. It organizes educational seminars, cultural festivals, sports activities and social events during the academic year. These events commemorate the traditions and heritage of each student's home country and promote intercultural communication, thus enriching university life with a global perspective.

ISU Facebook page

IFMSA CZ Hradec Králové

The International Federation of Medical Students' Associations is an organization for medical students who want to be well prepared for the medical profession, strive for fair medicine for all, and are ready to use their knowledge to improve public health in the Czech Republic. It enables its members to achieve these goals through exchange placements abroad where they can experience first-hand healthcare systems around the world. Founded in 1951 in Copenhagen, IFMSA has been active in 127 countries worldwide. It is officially recognised by organisations including the UN and WHO as an international forum for medical students. In the Czech Republic, IFMSA is represented by the member organization IFMSA CZ with branches at all eight medical faculties. The basic mission of IFMSA is to deepen international cooperation among medical students, to develop their knowledge and skills and to contribute to the awareness of major health issues around the world under the motto "Think globally, act locally". IFMSA's work includes organising student exchanges and projects that raise awareness among the public of all ages and deepen the education of the students themselves.

IFMSA CZ website

Medical Students Association

Medical Students Association (ASM) is a Czech student organization operating at the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové since 1991. The aim of the organization is to bring students together, to provide them with support in their studies and the opportunity to pursue their hobbies outside of it. In pursuit of these goals, the organization operates several rooms in the Charles University dormitory Na Kotli and organizes various social, cultural, sporting and interest events for students, employees of the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové and the general public (benefit student concert, Run for Life, Medical Careers Fair, etc.)

ASM website

Association of Students of Dentistry of the Czech Republic

The Association of Students of Dentistry of the Czech Republic (SSSČR) is a voluntary non-profit organization. The association brings together students of Dentistry and Dental Medicine throughout the Czech Republic and was founded in 2000 to provide students with the opportunity for internships abroad. The society is a member of the International Association of Dental Students (IADS), through which it organizes exchange stays of our and foreign students. After the completion of the foreign internship, IADS issues them a certificate of internship. The aim of the association is currently to help students in their professional growth, to offer them a possible diversification of professional and student life and to try to create a good collective of the future generation of dentists in the Czech Republic.

SSSČR website

Last change: June 25, 2024 12:32 
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Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111
