
Anniversary of the founding of the faculty

Every five years, the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové commemorates the anniversary of its foundation in 1945 through various cultural events and ceremonial gatherings.

The faculty is preparing its next celebration in 2025, when it will celebrate 80 years since its foundation.

Anniversary of 17 November

Every year the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové commemorates the anniversary of the Velvet Revolution and celebrates the International Student Day and the Day of Struggle for Freedom and Democracy. In the past years, for example, it joined the THANK YOU WE CAN initiative and on 17 November, at the symbolic time of 5:11 pm, it lit up the Faculty of Medicine building in Šimkova Street in the colours of the Czech tricolour. Together with the students of the University of Hradec Králové, it regularly organises candlelight parades through the city with an accompanying programme.

Traditionally, on the occasion of this anniversary, an autumn concert is held by students of the Hradec Králové University of Life Sciences, which in recent years has been of a charitable nature - the proceeds from the event are donated by the students to the treatment of a selected child patient. In the autumn of 2023, on Monday 20 November, the students plan to hold another benefit concert in cooperation with students of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové UK.

Reminder on 17 November at the Faculty of Medicine HK in 2020-2022.

Anniversary of the Medical Library

In 2021, the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové commemorated the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Medical Library. Due to the unfavourable epidemic situation, unfortunately, it was not possible to hold a full-time celebration. Therefore, the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical Faculty of HK, in cooperation with the library, presented the history, activities and services of the library to the public at least in the form of text and photographs and prepared a quiz for them.

Lékařská knihovna
Lékařská knihovna

Last change: June 19, 2024 15:43 
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Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111
