Study Information

Schedule Planning

  • Should any problems (overlaps, etc.) occur, you will have time to reconsider your choice and choose another subject in order to obtain the necessary number of credit points your university requires – during the firts week of the semester. If done this way, we will avoid potential changes to your learning agreement and worries about being short of credit points.

    Make sure you double check you have very little overlaps. Ideally your subjects should not be colliding completely. In that case you would not be able to attend either of the subjects due to a very low attendance which would result in not receiving ECTS for any of the subjects.

    In case the subjects overlap completely, you have to have one of them removed and eventually replaced by a new subject.

    The Faculty bears no responsibility in such situations. The student is responsible to check the schedule provided and control if it is possible to attend the chosen subjects. Any overlap or missed classes should be discussed with the subject guarantors directly.

    Changes to the Learning Agreement document


  • You may also enroll for elective subjects.

  • However, we cannot guarantee that all the elective subjects will be taught as it is entirely dependent on the current interest on the side of the regular students and will be known only at the beginning of the current academic year.

  • We also cannot guarantee the capacity reasons of the elective subjects because the standard students have the priority in registering for the electives.

  • The schedule can be previewed in this link. Pick the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové and the respective semester. Use the Schedule Display Instructiontions see what study group would suit you the best in order to make the minimum of overlaps.

  • As soon as the schedule for the required term is uploaded. The Study Department will ask you to check it and compare which study group of each subject would suit you the best in order to avoid/ minimalize the overlaps.

  • Information about schedules, curricula, syllabi and literature is updated only for the current semester and are available no sooner than at the beginning of the semester.


Credit points 

the number of credit points obtained after the completion of a particular subject


winter semester


summer semester


number of hours of lectures per semester


number of hours of practical classes/seminars per semester


course credit - confirms the completion of a particular subject at the end of the term where no final examination is required


final examination

Those subjects that are without a Roman numeral (I, II, ...) are taught and completed within one semester only.

  • Lectures - provide students with a comprehensive, general picture (an extensive description) of the main topics; it is held for all the students enrolled. 

  • Practical Classes – involve practical training with students divided into smaller groups; the number of students in each group varies from 20-30 at the theoretical and preclinical departments to practical bedside teaching of 5-6 students in groups at the clinics. 

  • Seminars - combine theoretical knowledge and practical training always only for one study group (of 15-30 students); the important themes or clinical cases (PBL) are discussed here. 

Study Requirements Evaluation

  • Testing throughout a semester - can be oral or written (usually involves a multiple-choice e-test) and is done at practical classes, possibly at seminars. For the seminars of some subjects, students have to prepare a short presentation from time to time. The marks received are taken into consideration when giving the course credit.

  • Course credit – is given after a successful completion of a subject at the end of each term; with some subjects, course credit can be obtained only when passing all of the tests given during the term, with others course credit ("zápočet") is given when an oral or written revision test/ e-test (including what has been learnt throughout the term) is passed. A student can receive only "pass" or "fail", not a mark. 

  • Final Examination - a way of completing a subject. It can be oral (with some theory subjects) but usually it consists of a practical and a theoretical part, the latter of which involves either an oral test or an oral test in combination with a written test/ e-test). 

Without obtaining the course credit/s (one per each semester) from a given subject the student cannot sit for the final examination. The conditions for obtaining a course credit and for a final examination in every subject are written in the Syllabi (above).

If your home university requires a mark from a subject which isn´t completed by an exam at CU MED HK, you have to discuss the possibilities with the guarantor of the subject at the beginning of the term. If you don´t, the department isn´t obliged to respect your request and should proceed as per the study plan of CU MED HK without giving you a grade for a credit.


 Grading Scale

  • Oral/ written final examinations are evaluated by grades 1 – 4.

  • The following is a comparison of the Faculty grade scale and the grades of ECTS: ECTS Grading System


 Transcript of Records

  1. A Transcript of Records (TR) in English will be issued at the Study Department based on a student's results from each subject given by your tutor/ examiner.

  2. If you wish to sit any extra exam (receive a mark) from a part of a subject (e.g. Internal Medicine IV - Rheumatology), from a subject that is not concluded by a final examination (where only course credit is received at the end) or from an elective subject, you need to approach the guarantor of that specific subject with this Application form. The Application form must be signed by the relevant guarantor during the first week of the semester and handed in to Ms. Simona Rozkošová - applications submitted later will not be accepted!  

  3. Only subject guarantors can agree (in some cases may also disagree) to extra examination for their subject. However, bear in mind that none of the results of the extra examination will be included in your TR! Only results for standard subjects will be given in the TR. The completion of an extra exam and its result will be then notified on a special certificate issued by the respective department.


    Not completing study requirements given by each department will lead to assigning the subject as failed and no credit points will be attributed for the given subject. All requirements must be completed as given by the CU MED HK study plan to obtain the specified number of credit points. No partial attribution of credit points is possible.

    If a subject is closed by a credit test and an exam, you have to sit also the exam, otherwise you will not receive any credit points for the subject at all. 

  4. If you require any amendments to your Learning Agreement (a list of subjects to be attended during a term), you can submit your request to Ms Simona Rozkošová during the first week of the semester at the latest.

  5. However, if you are attending a course over one whole year, you may still ask for changes in your subject list for the summer term during the winter term. But, then again, you need to stick to the one-month-prior-notice rule.


The CU adaptation courses are a series of short tutorials that will introduce Charles University to you, explain its structure, system of courses and grading.

Last change: June 25, 2024 07:49 

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111


Univerzita Karlova