Before Arrival

Nomination and Application

  1. Only for students of the 3rd to 5th year of General Medicine - we do not accept students of the 6th year of GM. We do not accept free movers!

  2. All courses chosen by the student (confirmed in the Learnig Agreement) are compulsory. In order to obtain the credits, you have to pass all requirements given by the subject. It is not possible to pass only a part of the subject.

  3. General information for incoming Erasmus students is available on the web page of  Charles University.

  4. At first, you should consult your application with the Erasmus office at your home University. This way, you will ensure that there is an Agreement between your University and Charles University (CU).

  5. Please note that your nomination can be submitted only by your home university!

  6. Nominated student will receive an e-mail from the Charles University containing necessary information regarding further administrative steps, in particular details for accessing the online registration.


Bear in mind

  • Only students nominated by the home university are allowed to participate in the program.

  • The number of students we can accept is limited, and so your initiative will be decisive. 

  • Nominated students are obliged to fill in the online registration. The link is provided by the European Office (Rector´s Office of Charles University).

  • The Faculty bears no responsibility in case subjects overlap completely and the student cannot attend them based on the desired LA. The student is obliged to check the provided schedule and decide which subject would be removed from the LA in order to meet the subject requirements. Only 50% of attendance is not acceptable. 

How to fill in the online Application form

To start your application process, submit your application through our online platform. Please note that without registering into the online system, your application cannot be administrated properly and may be rejected.

The CU online application consists of various fields you will be required to fill out. However, the most important of them are:

  1. Name and surname: has to be identical with the one in your ID/ travel document

  2. Citizenship: if you have dual citizenship, please put the one which does not require visa

  3. E-mail: please put the e-mail address that you check frequently.

  4. Emergency contact: please pay special attention to this field. In the ideal case, put someone from your family, e. g. parent’s contact details

  5. Host faculty

  6. Host faculty coordinator 

  7. Host faculty coordinator’s e-mail: 

  8. Semester dates: winter semester:…; summer semester; full academic year…


  • Please make sure that you filled out the right host faculty according to your nomination! This Erasmus on-line registration is one for all 17 faculties of Charles University (5 of which are Faculties of Medicine), so please carefully select the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove

  • Please give correct contact details of your host faculty coordinator!

Semester dates

  • Note that the semester dates for Erasmus+ students are different from those for regular Charles University (CU) students and that they vary at each faculty.

  • See the table below and make sure that you fill out the correct dates into the online application since these are essential for your enrollment at the CU.


TEST Learning Agreement (LA)

  1. Firstfill in a TEST Learning Agreement and send it by e-mail to Ms. Simona Rozkošová. She will check the possibility of studying all the subjects selected. Kindly take into consideration that this needs to be done before filling the final Learning Agreement in the online application as to avoid potential changes that would complicate and slow down the application process.

  2. Erasmus students can only study General Medicine 3rd-5th study year at our Faculty. Due to our pre-set schedule system, courses can only be taken from the 2 following years i.e., from 3rd + 4th or 4th + 5th year (NOT from 3rd and 5th or from all 3 years)! You can find the list of subjects for General Medicine and Dentistry.

  3. If you take courses from 2 years, it is almost impossible to avoid overlapping of some courses. The problem is in the case of overlapping seminars that you are required to attend - in this case you must ask the secretary of the relevant department/clinic if such overlapping can be accepted and how to make up the missed classes. If the seminars don´t overlap completely but you might only need to leave earlier from subject A to arrive at subject B on time, you will receive a special form to be signed by the guarantors of the respective subjects after your enrollment at the faculty.

  4. To make sure you choose the right subjects (you will need for subject recognition at your home university after your arrival) you might need to check the syllabi of the subjects and their study requirements.

  5. All selected subjects are compulsory for students! Not passing all the requirements means not getting credit points for the subject. In case a subject is completed by an exam at the Faculty of Medicine, but you don´t need an exam for your home university, you still have to sit the exam at CU MED HK in order to gain credit points for the whole subject.

  6. As it may happen that not all the subjects selected can be studied (e.g. due to capacity limits, a collision of one subject with another, etc.), create a list of subjects requested to be attended in a TEST Learning Agreement and send it to Ms Simona ROZKOŠOVÁ first for confirmation of its suitability before filling the online Application form !

  7. The Faculty cannot book places for elective subjects. If any elective subject has a full capacity before an incoming student arrives, the student must replace the given subject by another one (depending on the avalable seats).


  1. After completion, the system generates two crucial documents: 

    Application Form + Learning Agreement (LA). These must be printed out!

  2. Consequently, the documents are to be signed and stamped by relevant authorities at your home university and sent to the Charles University, European Office.

    Scanned copy of Application Form and LA, a copy of your Passport, Confirmation of your Vaccination for Hepatitis B and signed Hygiene protocol send in one e-mail to Mrs Simona Rozkošová.

  3. Accepted students should receive Erasmus+ Admission documents from the Charles University: Letter of Admission, LA signed by the faculty coordinator and (if applied for accommodation in Student dormitory) an Accommodation Voucher. These documents are sent in pdf format via e-mail 1-2 months before the beginning of the stay.


  • The Application Form for the winter semester or both semesters must be completed by May 30 and sent by April 15.

  • The Application Form for the summer semester must be sent by October 15.

 Other requirements

  1. Please make sure that you have a few passport format photos upon your arrival (may be required when crossing the border and 1 will be needed on the enrolment).

  2. We require incoming Erasmus students to come to Hradec Králové around one week before the beginning of the term.


Visa and Residence Permit Application

All students without EU or EFTA country citizenship who intend to stay for more than 90 days are obliged to apply for a Czech visa or resident permit. Please read carefully all the information available on our website.

If you belong to this group, acceptance documents required for the visa application will be delivered to you via DHL post max. 3 months before the start of your Erasmus stay.

After that, you can begin the visa process which may takeup to 3 months! Therefore, please read carefully the information on our website and start the application process as soon as possible

Health Insurance

All details about the health insurance can be found here.

Erasmus Intensive Czech Language Courses 

The Erasmus Intensive Czech Language Courses (ICLC) are open to students who have been selected for an Erasmus+ study/placement and they are free of charge.

You can enrol the language course under the code VCESERA11 - Čeština A1.1 intenzivní kurz Erasmus+ (Czech Language intensive course A1.1 Erasmus+).

The guarantor of the subject is Mgr. Petra Landergott Kalvínská from ÚJOP. After enrolling the subject, you will receive log in details by ÚJOP directly.

After completing the first part, you can also enrol the VCESERA12 - Čeština A1.2 Erasmus+ (Czech Language A1.2 Erasmus+). However you have to pass the first part first.

You can use the Changes to LA of your Learning Agreement to add this subject.

The courses start before the beginning of each semester (early September for winter semester/mid-January for summer semester). The classes are every day from morning to afternoon and run for 3 weeks. Students can take lessons either online or in person. For details see.


COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 90% participation in the course and 60% pass rate in the test - the student then receives a certificate and 5 ECTS. However, currently the course cannot be reported in the Transcript of Records (recognition of completion and credits depends on the decision of sending institution).

NOTE: In case you choose to attend the course physically, the time you spend here will not be included in the study time frame of your study stay at university. It means you will not be eligible for Erasmus scholarship.

Last change: January 29, 2025 09:14 

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111


Univerzita Karlova