
Acquisition of equipment for innovative teaching of biophysics at medical faculties of Charles University

The project aims to raise the level of study across all medical faculties, in the form of teaching innovation through the acquisition of modern equipment to demonstrate the application of basic principles of physics and biophysics using elements of telemedicine. These are tools based on modern ICT solutions complemented by mobile form of elearning, which will convey the required knowledge to students in an appropriate form and serve to expand their abilities in working with these resources, with a link to practical application.

Establishment of CORE FACILITIES to improve the quality of research related to teaching at the Faculty of Medicine

The implementation of the project will improve the quality of research related to teaching at the Faculty of Arts by acquiring core facilities and other material, technical and infrastructural support necessary for the modernization of doctoral study programs, which will be carried out within the complementary project INODOK. The project will support the professional growth of DSP students and academic staff, including postdocs, and enable them to acquire not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills in modern biomedical R&D methodologies.

Promotion of modern forms of teaching at the Faculty of Physics of the Republic of HK focused on the use of simulators and phantoms

The aim of the project is to innovate and modernize the teaching of clinical and theoretical disciplines at the Faculty of Medicine of the Czech Republic through the acquisition of simulators and phantoms that will allow students to safely acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for future doctors. On the acquired teaching simulators it will be possible to provide, under maximally realistic conditions, training in basic examination and therapeutic techniques or medical decision-making.

Innovations of teaching and e-learning environment at the Faculty of Medicine HK

The aim of the project is to improve and expand the quality of teaching of undergraduate study programmes at the Faculty of Medicine (especially General Medicine, Dentistry, General Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing) through the introduction of new electronic and interactive teaching methods and the modernisation of equipment and materials.

Last change: June 24, 2024 14:48 

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111


Univerzita Karlova