
Domestic cooperation

  • FHHK - Department of Neurology (MUDr. Šimko), Department of Psychiatry (prof. Libiger), Department of ENT (prof. Chrobok, dr. Střítecká), Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy (doc. Sirák),

  • FaF UK (dr. Horstkotte, dr. Pullmannová)

  • University of Hradec Králové, Faculty of Medicine (doc. Kříž, dr. Jezbera, dr. Růžičková)

  • University of Pardubice (prof. Vlček, dr. Svoboda)

  • Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology (doc. Šikl, doc. Lukavský), Department of Tissue Engineering (dr. Filová)

  • CEITEC, MAFIL - Laboratory for Multimodal Brain Activity Mapping (eng. Michal Mikl)

  • Ella-CS s.r.o (doc. Volenec)

  • Synpo, a.s. (doc. Podzimek)

  • Tyfloservis, o.p.s.,(Mgr. at Mgr. Morávková, Mgr. Drtílková )

  • CZEPA - Czech Association of Paraplegics

  • St. Joseph's Home, Žireč u Dvora Králové

  • Linet s.r.o.

The Department of Biophysics does not cease to collaborate with former colleagues who have left academia and become successful and respected experts in practice. They are regularly invited to lecture to upper year students in elective courses, and students gain the latest practical knowledge from the best informed sources. These are Assoc. ing. František Podzimek, formerly at the VLA, who is the founder of Infopharm, a company that provides data services for pharmaceutical companies and sellers of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals; ing. Miroslav Novotný, IT specialist of the company Stapro, which is a supplier of its own hospital information system and a provider of information technology services for the healthcare sector; doc. Karel Volenec, founder of ELLA-CS, a world-renowned manufacturer of special medical equipment and medical products, especially tissue reinforcements (stents), holder of many awards, e.g. Czech Head etc.; MUDr. Libor Straka, Ph.D., representative of Ders, which specializes in the development of large-scale information systems, especially for healthcare and education.

International cooperation

  • University of Malta - We are collaborating internationally with Prof. Carmel Carujana in the development of new diagnostic instruments. The collaboration resulted in a joint publication on non-invasive measurement of pressure changes on the eyeball (orbitoplethysmography).

  • University of Gothenburg and Collaboration with the University of Oslo - studying the physical properties of materials used in orthodontics with a focus on shape memory materials (Nitinol).

  • Uppsala University (Prof. Wettermark and team), Strathclyde University (Prof. Bennie and team), Università di Bologna (Prof. Fantini and team), Vilnius University (Dr. Garuoliene), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Dr. Pontes and team) and WIdO (Wissenschftliches Institut der AOK, Berlin) - evaluation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the consumption of medicines in Europe. The collaboration resulted in a joint publication.

  • University of Hull - the theme of the collaboration is the study of the interaction of nanomaterials with biological systems, the development of new nanomaterials and their subsequent use in medicine.

  • Newcastle University - collaboration on projects modelling optical defomation (Dr Laura Young)

  • University of Tartu, collaboration on research on visual mismatch negativity (Prof. Kairi Kreegipuu)

  • University of Jyvaskyla, Department of Psychology collaboration on research on visual mismatch negativity (Prof. Piia Astikainen)

  • Swansea University, collaboration on research on visual mismatch negativity (Prof. Andrea Tales)

  • Translational Neuromodeling Unit, ETH Zurich, collaboration on research on visual mismatch negativity (Dr. Gabor Stefanics)

  • Hungarian Academy of Sciences , collaboration on research on visual mismatch negativity (Prof. Istvan Czigler)

Last change: June 24, 2024 14:43 

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111


Univerzita Karlova