Postgraduate studies

Basic Information

The Dean of Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove announces condition for entrance procedure for doctoral study in the academic year 2024/2025 in the following doctoral study programmes provided in English:


Language of study: English

Standard study period: 4 years

Field of study

Full-time form

Part-time form

Physiology and Pathological Physiology



Note: Click on the „Open” in relevant cell for more information about specific program in English language.

Additional Term:

Term of deadline: September 3, 2024

Term of entrance examination: September 11–18, 2024 (term set up by the board upon a number of applicants)

Alternative term of entrance examination: September 19–20, 2024 (alternative term can be offered only for a very serious reason and applicant must apply in written form)

Content of entrance exam

The conditions, content and form of entrance exam are provided individually to each study programme (see links in the schedule). In special cases the applicant can ask to pass admission exam different way (ie. video-conference). The Dean makes the decision.

Entrance procedure without admission exam is not allowed.

Under Art. 4 (5) of the Admissions Procedure Code of Charles University, the faculty will send to an applicant an invitation to the exam along with the notification of its rules, no later than thirty days before the exam is being held. If the faculty sends an invitation to an alternative entrance examination date, said time period may be shortened accordingly.


Application form (use the column NEW APPLICANT)

Completed application form do not print. Required enclosures (see bellow) are to be submitted to Study dept. in written form.

Enclosures to be Sent to the Study Division

Professional Curriculum Vitae.

Authenticated copies of a master´s diploma and a supplement of the diploma, eventually a document on the recognition of foreign higher education at master degree (Applicants, who have not yet finished their master degree at the time of filling the application, will submit a document issued by their university confirming they are enrolled in the last year of their long cycle or consecutive master program and a document stating when they can be expected to finish their study.) If documents are not issued in Czech, Slovak or English, also their official translation is required. The authentication has to be made according to the country of origin of the diploma as the recognition procedure is based on international agreements. The required authentication of documents - see HERE. The authentication has to be made according to the country of origin of the documents. Depending on the group in which the country of origin is listed, the applicant will submit either an authenticated copy (by Czech or foreign notary or Czech Point) of the document or an authenticated copy of the document with Apostille or an authenticated copy of the document with superlegalization (for superlegalization the documents proving the completion of studies must be verified: a) by the Foreign Office of the country of origin of the university/college issuing the document and b) by the relevant embassy of the Czech Republic). In the group which allows the replacement of the Apostille by an email form the foreign school only an authenticated copy (by Czech or foreign notary or Czech Point) of the document is needed. The email with confirmation has to be send directly from the foreign school to the email of faculty which does the assessment.

List of scientific publications.

Short information of intended study issue (must be agreed with a tutor, the name of contacted tutor should be included).

Other documents declaring meeting the conditions given for certain doctoral programme above.


The fee for actions connected with the admission procedure for studies in English language is determined in accordance with Act 58 (1) of the Higher Education Act and the Dean´s Measure No. 6/2023 (2) and amount to 2500,- CZK. The fee is to be paid when presenting the application form. The fee is payable the latest by the application submission deadline.

Each fee should be paid onto the account number below according to the due deadlines stated above.

IBAN: CZ 6103000000000212654030


(use No. of the application as the Information for Beneficiary)

Bank address:

CSOB, a.s.

Ulrichovo nám. 734

500 02 Hradec Králové

The residence of the University:

Charles University

Ovocný trh 5

116 36 Prague

Recognition of Foreing Diplomas and Degrees

If you completed the previous higher education at a foreign higher education institution, submit one of the following documents: a document obtained in accordance with sections 89 and 90 of the Higher Education Act proving general recognition of a foreign higher education in the Czech Republic (so- called “nostrification”); a foreign document concerning a foreign higher education if it is deemed automatically equivalent in the Czech Republic in accordance with its international agreements without any further administrative procedures (a higher education diploma and diploma supplement from Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, or Slovenia); or a foreign document concerning a foreign higher education to be assessed by the Faculty (for a fee of 930,- CZK). Detailed information about the manner of proving fulfilment of the requirement of completion of a bachelor’s or master’s programme of study for graduates of foreign higher education institutions is available on the faculty website in section Applicants. The applicant is to send all documents physically to the Faculty adress: Charles University - Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, Simkova 870, Hradec Kralove, 500 03, Czech Republic, Europe, no later than 30 days before the date of the enrolment. The charge is to be paid together with the application or when an applicant applies for nostrification during the application procedure. The account number: SWIFT: CEKOCZPP, IBAN: CZ61 0300 0000 0002 1265 4030 ČSOB a.s. Hradec Králové, reference no: No. of electronic application, specific symbol 83003.

More information


Officer for Doctoral (Ph.D.) Study Programs: Petra Malá

Last change: July 2, 2024 10:50 
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Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111
