Basic Information

Study Programmes

visit Accredited Doctoral Study Programmes

Length of Study

4 years

Form of Study

Full-time or Part-time

Language of Study

Czech or English

Finalization of Study

1. State Doctoral Exam 2. Dissertation Defense

Graduate Degree


Tuition Fee

1000,- CZK, paid annually

  1. Postgraduate doctoral study (Ph.D.) at the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove is organized according to the ”Study and Examination Regulations of the Charles Univesity” in 22 accredited study programmes. The standard study  period takes 4 years as a minimum, 8 years as a maximum – the result is  Ph.D. degree.

  2. Study of clinical fields does not mean clinical training which leads to obtaining specialization of Master Degree type.

  3. All applicants are expected to meet our basic requirement – certification of completed undergraduate degree (master degree). In case the applicant is not a graduate of EU university or there is not an existing agreement between relevant country and Czech Republic about mutual recognition of university diploma, it is necessary for the applicant to present a confirmation of equivalency of his/her university degree or a certificate which will declare equivalence of foreign university diploma with university diploma issued in Czech Republic in undergraduate study programme prior to enrollment, no later than September 30.

  4. Conditions and topics for doctoral study are announced according to the number of available supervisors and their number of research projects (grants). That means that some Subject Co-ordinating Boards don't announce admission procedures in both or one form of study for a given academic year. Conditions for admission, dissertation thesis topics, content of entrance exams, etc., are different for individual study programme and are being adapted every year according to the requirements of the Subject Co-ordinating Board of Ph.D. programme.

  5. Preliminary questions concerning study possibilities can be answered on condition that the applicant will submit professional Curriculum Vitae, i.e. basic information about his/her practice, qualifications, scientific interest and activities including a publication activity summary. It is recommended to contact  head of  the Subject Co-ordinating Board of Ph.D. programme or appropriate tutor first.

  6. Admission proceedings for Ph.D. study for the following academic year are announced at the beginning of December, together with the deadline for submitting applications at the latest April 30. Specific information about conditions of admission and topics of dissertation theses in particular study programme, including a list of required documents, are presented on the official board of the Faculty (in this section of "Applicants"). Application form is available only via web form - see "Admission process - Ph.D.". 

  7. Accommodation, food expenses and financial support are not provided.

  8. Although it is possible to study the postgraduate doctoral study programme in English, knowledge of Czech at level C1 at least for foreign students is necessary for communication with patients at clinical departments.

Last change: July 2, 2024 10:48 
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Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111
