Educational and Psychological Councelling

Leaving your home and moving to a new country to study medicine can be a major transition. Life at university can offer many chances and opportunities as well as challenges such as adjusting to a new environment and various demands during the medical study. Sometimes it can be difficult to reach out to family and friends, or deal with some issues only by ourselves.

We are here to help you cope with your situation. The University Counselling Centre (UCC) is a free and confidential service, which is available to all students who need psychological support in various situations. Confidential discussions led by professional counsellors can help open new perspectives , develop productive approaches, and/or better coping strategies to personal challenges.


You might need:

  • to help with adjustment to cultural differences and the educational system

  • to manage academic problems

  • to talk about stressful situations

  • to deal with relationship difficulties

  • to improve your communication skills

  • to discuss health related issues


Gal Haimy, MA.

Expressive Arts Therapist and Certified Psychodramatist (individuals and groups).

Gal has completed her M.A in Expressive Art Therapy from Lesley University, Cambridge, USA. She has 8 years’ experience in working with students of different ages in various institutions. 

Areas of Interest: Mindfulness; Anxiety/Stress reduction; Depression; Adjustment and Family of Origin issues, Identity development; Self- esteem issues, Interpersonal skills and Relational Development.

Theoretical Orientation: A holistic, solution focused approach to therapy with influences of Positive Psychology, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Narrative and Art Therapy techniques to provide solution focused care that is both trauma informed and strengths-based.

David Skorunka, MD., Ph.D.

Senior Counsellor, Board Certified Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist and Family Therapist. Assistant Professor at the Department of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Hradec Králové.

Clinical Background: Since 1996 clinical experience in both inpatient and outpatient psychiatry, individual psychotherapy, couple and family therapy. International training and clinical experience (Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, Finland). In the past, liaison psychiatry consultations in Faculty Hospital (Hradec Králové) and County General Hospital (Rychnov nad Kněžnou). Psychiatry and psychotherapy consultations in Child Guidance Center (Hradec Králové). Experience with interdisciplinary team collaboration in outpatient mental health.

Areas of Interest:  Mental health, psychosomatic medicine, psychotherapy and family therapy in health care. Systemic perspective, narrative approaches, and integrative psychotherapy.


How to make an appointment?

For individual counselling, it is necessary to schedule an appointment by sending an email to any of our counsellors:

Where can you find us? 

Gal Haimy: Office in the wing D of the Faculty of Medicine building, on the 4th floor (the same floor as is the practical room of the Dept. of Histology, but to the left from the stairs), room number 1.

David Skorunka: Office at the Dept. of Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, 3rd floor.


* The counseling center’s services are protected by law and information about your treatment can only be released to others with your written permission; however, confidentiality can be broken for serious concerns for safety to self or others, or if the records are court ordered.

Last change: July 4, 2024 12:37 

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111


Univerzita Karlova