Department of Clinical Biochemistry

The Department of Clinical Biochemistry is involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education for all categories of clinical biochemistry staff, teaching undergraduate courses at the Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové (CU MED HK) and Faculty of Pharmacy, and the Secondary Medical School in Hradec Králové.

Teaching in the Master's and Bachelor's degree programmes at CU MED HK includes lectures, seminars, practical exercises and practical demonstrations so that students become familiar with the basics of the field, especially the pre-analytical phase of clinical biochemical examinations, the basics of clinical biochemical examinations in various medical disciplines and the basics of instrumental analysis. The teaching is aimed at enabling the graduates of the study programmes to orientate themselves in a wide range of examinations in their correct indication and interpretation, as well as to learn the principles of patient preparation for the collection of biological material, the principles of correct collection of biological material. The general aim of teaching the Master's and Bachelor's degree programmes is to optimise the use of clinical-biochemical examinations in all areas of modern medicine.

Postgraduate teaching at our institute includes both the preparation of postgraduate students within the framework of doctoral studies in the field of Clinical Biochemistry, as well as pre-testing training of staff - doctors, other university-educated staff and laboratory technicians. In this area we cooperate closely with the Department of Clinical Biochemistry of the IPVZ.

The staff of the department is also actively involved in the organization and professional content of a number of educational events - seminars, conferences and congresses at the regional and national level.


The activities of the department are also focused on the analyses required in the framework of various research tasks and studies, which are organised in the following areas:

  • requesting routine and special determinations,

  • storage and dispensing of liquid biological material from the Biobank of the University Hospital Hradec Králové,

  • requests for reference intervals for selected determinations,

  • requests for copies of certificates and certificates of the department.

The deparment also performs all declared routine and special determinations for research projects for various clients ranging from academic subjects to corporate applications. For research purposes, the department also performs additional analyses, if instrumentation and laboratory capacity permit.

Last change: July 9, 2024 09:06 

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111


Univerzita Karlova