Department of Psychiatry

We provide lectures and examinations for the Faculty of Medicine in the fields of Psychiatry, Psychiatry for students of Dentistry, Basics of psychosomatic medicine and communication with patients, Nursing in psychiatry. In the field of psychiatry, we also run a doctoral study programme and the clinic is authorised to conduct appointment procedures in this field. It is also involved in specialty training, and the department is accredited in psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, and addictive diseases.

The Department of Psychiatry, together with three other departments, participates in the activities of the Centre for Sleep and Biorhythm Disorders through its sleep disorders clinic. The latter diagnoses various sleep and biorhythm disorders: insomnia, hypersomnia, narcolepsy, sleep disorders associated with physical or mental illness, sleep-wake rhythm disorders, parasomnias (night terrors, nightmares, somnabulism), other sleep disorders of biological rhythms, psychological complications of sleep-disordered breathing. In addition to standard and special examinations, he provides somnological examination and actigraphy (examination of biological rhythms). According to the result of the examination, it then selects the appropriate therapy.

Last change: July 9, 2024 13:19 

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111


Univerzita Karlova