Department of Cardiosurgery

Scientific research activity is one of the main pillars of the clinic's work activities, alongside teaching and the provision of curative and preventive care. Doctors of the Cardiac Surgery Clinic publish a number of original scientific papers annually, mostly in prestigious foreign journals with impact factor. They are also active in terms of the number of lectures, including invited communications at national and international forums. In terms of publication activity in terms of volume and quality, the Cardiac Surgery Clinic is one of the leading Czech cardiac surgery centres. This is also evident in the high number of physicians who have successfully completed postgraduate studies and the number of associate professors and professors, which is the highest compared to other Czech cardiac surgery departments. The author teams of the clinic are behind a number of monographs focused on the treatment of valvular defects, some of which have been translated into English and published in prestigious foreign publishing houses. The department has a very well established national cooperation both within the Faculty of Medicine and with other Czech cardiovascular centres, especially with the Centre for Cardiovascular and Transplant Surgery. Cooperation is also active at the international level, including active participation in a number of international multicentre studies. The head of the clinic, Prof. Vojáček, is active in the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery.



  • UZIS

International cooperation


Last change: June 27, 2024 13:35 
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Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111
