Academic Department of Surgery

The Department provides teaching for the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Hradec Králové. It includes five clinics and one department. We teach surgery of the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum, abdominal trauma, surgery of the spleen and other parts of the digestive system, especially malignancies and benign diseases of the colon and anal landscape. We are interested in peripheral arterial diseases, arterial disobliteration and reconstruction, venous diseases, surgery of the abdomen and neck, heart, etc., spinal and thoracic injuries, fractures and luxations of the extremities, and we are interested in new trends in skeletal and breast surgery and in surgical intensive care. In addition, we teach general surgical techniques and examination of all areas of the body. Teaching also focuses on congenital diseases of the nervous system, hydrocephalus, cerebrovascular diseases and infections of the central nervous system. Students are introduced to basic plastic surgery and burn medicine.

Nursing practice in surgical disciplines

The course is designed as a theoretical and practical unit. It is a part of a complex of courses in clinical nursing. It introduces students to basic clinical conditions and diseases in surgical fields.

Holiday practice in hospital - surgery

Students in the 4th year complete a 10-day (2-week) internship at clinical departments of the Department of Surgery or at contract and other surgical departments in the Czech Republic and abroad in their standard inpatient wards, outpatient clinics, operating rooms and intensive care units.

Pre-internship in Surgery

Students of the 6th year prepare for the state examination in surgery in the clinics of the Department of Surgery and also in clinics and departments of contracted medical institutions under the supervision of chief surgeons and other designated physicians. The pre-state practice includes an active stay of 2 weeks in the departments of general surgery, traumatology and vascular and plastic surgery, one week each in the clinics of urology, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery and orthopaedics. The next week is devoted to seminars led by doctors from each of the above-mentioned specialties, paediatric surgery and intensive care, with 3-4 teaching hours. The students are actively involved in bedside work, in outpatient clinics and assist in operations according to the needs and possibilities of the department. They gain professional experience in the operations of surgical departments and discuss with their teachers their own diagnostic and therapeutic knowledge as well as become more familiar with the organization of surgical practice, the administration of patient care, and have the opportunity to look into some of the economic problems of daily surgical practice. Their position on the surgical staff during their preceptorship better enables them to prepare for the state examination and for the transition from undergraduate studies to actual medical practice.

Surgery in emergency conditions

In this elective course, interested students are informed by doctors in the field of military surgery about possible emergency situations that may occur at home or anywhere in the world, where our medical experts are often sent as part of internationally provided assistance. The course does not repeat the topics covered in the basic Surgery course lectures, but supplements them with information and demonstrations of skills needed for medical interventions in emergency conditions such as war and natural disasters.

Last change: June 25, 2024 14:24 
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Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111
