Ongoing research

Running grants:

- NU22-01-00151 AZV MZ ČR: Prediction of cardiovascular risk and prognosis in patients with hypercholesterolemia by genomic and metabolomic analysis, proposer prof. Vl.Blaha.

- NU21-02-00135 AZV MZ ČR. Cardiovascular effects of flavonoid metabolites and influence of metabolic risk factors. Proposer prof. PharmDr. Přemysl Mladěnka, Ph.D., co-investigator for KGM doc. MUDr. Alena Šmahelová, PhD.

- NU21J-02-00021 AZV MZ ČR. Differences in platelet aggregation and blood coagulation parameters between healthy subjects and patients with metabolic diseases. Proposer PharmDr. AlejandroCarazo, Ph.D., co-investigator for FN RNDr. Lenka Javorská, Ph.D., in the team for KGM MUDr. Pavel Skořepa, Ph.D.

- MIT 573668/21/61200/259: Development of new infusion solutions for specific treatment of internal environmental disorders in bacterial and viral infections in intensive and long-term care" (principal investigator Ardeapharma a.s. Ševětín) - co-investigator for KGM prof. Zadák. Institutional research of the Faculty of Medicine of the Czech Republic: -Program Cooperatio: Metabolic diseases: guarantor prof. Vl. Vl. Blaha, Intensive Medicine: guarantor dr. J. Maňák, Internal Medicine/Geriatrics: guarantor prof. L. Sobotka.

International grants:

- Improving competences of older people caregivers towards Healthy Ageing through digital transformation (EducAGE, Coordinator: The Polytechnic Institute of Guarda - IPG, Portugal. FUNDACIÓN CENTRO DE CIRUGÍA DE MÍNIMA INVASIÓN JESÚS USÓN, Cáceres (Spain), MORE - LABORATORIO COLABORATIVO MONTANHAS DE INVESTIGAÇÃO, Braganca (Portugal), Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové, University of Hradec Králové (guarantor: prof. Blaha), Semmelweis University, Budapest (Hungary). o Involvement of Ph.D. students and postdocs in research.

  • MUDr. Turková - Ph.D. student: participation in the project Predominant role of glucose as anaplerotic substrate.

  • MUDr.Ing. Bureš - Ph.D. student: participation in the project The use of nanoparticles as carriers of oncological drugs (cooperation with the University of Science and Technology Pardubice).

  • MUDr. Paclíková - Ph.D. student: participation in the project Cardiovascular effects of flavonoid metabolites and the influence of metabolic risk factors (cooperation with FaF Hradec Králové).

  • MUDr. Trčková - Ph.D. student: participation in the project The importance of gut microbiome in metabolic syndrome (cooperation with CAS).

  • MUDr. Plíhalová - Ph.D. student: participation in the project Diabetes mellitus and the influence of metabolic risk factors (cooperation with the 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague).

  • MUDr. Skořepa, Ph.D. - postdoc: participation in the project Cardiovascular effects of flavonoid metabolites and influence of metabolic risk factors (cooperation with FaF Hradec Králové).

  • MUDr. O. Sobotka, PhD. - postdoc: participation in the project Comparison of mitochondrial respiration of platelets isolated by two methods: differential centrifugation and continuous sampling on a separator. Monitoring of mitochondrial respiration of blood elements in patients admitted to a multidisciplinary internal ICU.

Last change: June 25, 2024 13:45 

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111


Univerzita Karlova