Residence Permit Prolongation

Student residence permit extension in the Czech Republic

A LONG-TERM RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR STUDYING PURPOSES, that must be obtained and further extended (it´s validity is max. for up to 2 years - dependent on length of some of the documents below).

Concerns residence of students from outside the EU and EFTA in the Czech Republic.


Basic details for the first application for the residence permit and also for every such situation when the residence permit is not extended on time and therefore expired (must be done through the relevant Czech Embassy/Consulate in your country).

 How to apply

  • Time limits for submitting the application for long term residence permit and its prolongation has been changed!!!!

    Time limit for submitting the application is prolonged. Application for long term residence permit or its prolongation can be lodged already 120 days before the end of the validity of current long term visa or long term residence permit. Application however has to be lodged the last day of the validity at the latest. Only the application for prolongation of the employee card has to be lodged 30 days before the end of the validity of current employee card. For more information, please see the document below or go to the Ministry web page. You can find useful information in the presentation for foreign students - Quick´n´Simply or in the new Immigration portal on the Ministry web page.


  • Apply for the residence permit at the Hradec Králové local Foreign Police office:

Ministerstvo vnitra ČR

Odbor azylové a migrační politiky, Regionální oddělení pobytu cizinců Hradec Králové

Ulrichovo náměstí 810, Hradec Králové 2, 500 02


Directions: take bus No. 2 or 6, get off at bus stop "Ulrichovo náměstí" (2nd stop from the bus stop "Magistrát města").


Working hours:

Monday, Wednesday: 08.00 a.m. - 05.00 p.m.

Tuesday, Thursday: 08.00 a.m. - 11.30 a.m.


How to arrange the appointment:

In case you do not want to queue you may arrange a meeting for the specific date and time (which will be given to you). You have to go the Foreign Police - office no. 26 (at the same side as the elevator is), knock on the door, get in and give to the official piece of paper with this sentence "Prosím o objednání termínu na prodloužení dlouhodobého pobytu" (click on it and you can print it if you want). He or she will show you the calendar and arrange with you the date.


  • Collect the extended residence permit from the same foreign police office.

Necessary documents

  1. Application form (below)

  2. Study confirmation - provided by Students office, please bring your passport as your visa sticker has to be checked as well. Please note that the length of your residence permit extension is dependent on the confirmed period of your study.


  3. Accommodation confirmation - "Potvrzení o ubytování" either from the student hostel, the form is available at the students office, or from the owner if living privately, you can use the form below.

    Your landlord's official signature is needed on the accommodation confirmation. At the bottom of the confirmation is "Vlastnorucni podpis poskytovatele ubytovani". Your landlord MUST sign it at the CZECHPOINT (post office) or at any notary's office. This services usually cost around 30,- CZK.

    It is necessary to have your accommodation confirmation verified at CZECHPOINT or notary’s office. Please note that the length of your residence permit extension is dependent on the confirmed period of your accommodation.


  4. Bank Statement - in case that you have a bank account in the Czech bank you do not need to present your credit card. Should you have an account in some foreign bank you would need to present your Bank Statement and your Credit Card.

    It is necessary to have on your bank account 81.400,- CZK (one year extension), if you apply for two years extension the amount is not doubled (there is a specific calculation - it is around 140.000,- CZK - for exact amount please ask). Students aged under 18 are required to have on their bank account only an half of the above mentioned amount (40.700,- CZK).  


  5. Health Insurance Certificate to cover at least the period of your residence permit extension and the proof of payment.

    Please note that the length of your visa extension is dependent on the period you are insured for. Your Health Insurance Certificate has to be a contractual long-term health insurance from the Czech Republic.

  6. Passport (travel document) - it´s validity must exceed period of your residence permit extension at least by 3 months. (Please note that the length of your residence permit extension is dependent on the your passport validity.)


  7. Photographs (2) - must be up to date bearing your current appearance, therefore, should your photo be old, ..., you have to provide a new one (according to Czech regulations) to the application.


  8. Application fee + Biometric data card is paid by "kolek" (a kind of stamp) in value of 2.500,- CZK (available from any post office)

    You will be able to use "kolek" issued after October 1, 2011 (not before this specified date). In case you have some extra "kolek" at home, please check its validity.

    Biometric data card is used as your identification document!!!

    You do not need to carry your passport any longer, you will prove you identity with the Biometric data card.

    Extract from the Czech crime register is no longer needed from applicants.


While handing the visa documents to the person in charge, please, ask for your reference number ("cislo jednaci") and the person's surname. This may help you with the further communication.

Please note

  • In case you could not be present in the Czech Republic when your residence permit must be extended, a special form "Čestné prohlášení" exists (available at the students office or at the foreign police) by which you may appoint another person to undergo the process on your behalf. In such a case you must not forget to provide the appointed person with all the above documents including a copy of your travel document).

    NOTE: Because the residence permit extension will not be confirmed in your passport till your arrival, you have to return to the Czech Republic still within the currect residence permit validity as otherwise, you will have to travel to the Czech Republic as a tourist (therefore on the basis of obtaining of another kind of visa).


  • In case of the accommodation change, you have to inform the foreign police about it within 3 days by using the same form from point 3 (accommodation acknowledgement). This change is for free.


  • For some changes (address, name or surname, loss or damage of the Biometric card, etc.) you would need to pay some extra charges. Change of the passport number and the marital status is for free.



Contact – Undergraduate Study

Contact – Doctoral Study (Ph.D.)

Last change: June 3, 2024 15:10 

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové

Charles University

Šimkova 870

500 03 Hradec Králové

Czech Republic, Europe

Phone: +420 495 816 111


Univerzita Karlova